Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thank YOU for the support

So, as I've been tooling along on this little "Thank You" journey, I have hit some lulls.  We already know that I've found this to be more difficult than it sounds - thanking someone every day can sometimes be tricky.  For instance, sometimes I see people face-to-face and they have done something "thank-worthy" (is that a word?  It is now.), but it often feels inappropriate & downright weird to go into a heartfelt thank you.  Imagine the next time you do something nice for someone & they start to pour their heart out to you.  Awk-ward.  I think it's unfortunately because that's not common practice in our society.  We often say the words, but rarely go beyond them.  Since it's not something that occurs everyday, most people don't know how to respond, which in turn can make things uncomfortable. 

Earlier in my process, I decided I needed to "be brave" and do more face-to-face thank-you-ing.  Well, maybe just because I've turned chicken & am making excuses, but I've found a way around the face-to-face thing.  It's revolutionary people - you're going to want to write this down -

A hand-written thank you note. 

O.K., not so revolutionary, but I think there is something to be said for the written word.  Also, it elimiantes that whole awkward bit AND it allows the recipient to hang on to said thank you note to read and recieve warm fuzzies in the future. 

So, if you are inspired by this project at all, here is a tip:  set aside some time each week and write out a thank you or two.  I promise only good things can come of it.

And as the title of this entry suggests, thank you to everyone who has given me encouragement along the way.  It seems whenever I hit a big lull, or lose my motivation, someone is there to encourage me - so THANK YOU!  :-)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thank You Song

Here is a song I wrote awhile ago.  It's NOT about the pictures...those were pictures I found on my computer that (I hope) don't break copyright laws.  Please don't turn me in if they do break the laws.  :-) This is a "rough draft" of the song, but I wanted to share it, anyway.  I realize there are some technological errors that need to be fixed, so bear with me.

The history of this song:
Several years ago, I started the basic foundation of the song.  Chords, etc.  I was just play ng around with it for fun.  A year ago, I felt a push to finish the song.  I procrastinated...procrastinated...then procrastinated some more until finally, this fall I "finished" it (added words & a bridge).  Still unsure what to do with it, I felt pushed to ask a colleague for help with the technology side of things - getting the song from my head onto the computer.  Once it was on my computer, I left it alone for awhile, unsure of what to do with it.
About a month into this "100 Days of Thank You" project, I listened to the song again and realized what it was about - thanking God, even when we're too busy/worried/unsure of things.  Totally fits with my thank you project.

Coincidence?  You be the judge.  I'm voting for no...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day!

This week we were blessed/cursed (depends on how you look at it) with not one but two snow days.  I, of course had all kinds of projects around the house I probably should have done, but as far as I'm concerned there isn't anything much better on a snow day than curling up with a good book.  There was a particular book I had in mind (and unfortunately did not have in the house) so bundled up, I hopped in my husbands truck (with 4 wheel drive) and proceeded to slip & slide my way to the local library.  It was well worth the trip as the book was a quick read and very though provoking.

One of the most interesting parts was a chapter on gratitude.  According to this book, you will be a happier person and "get more" of what you want out of life if you practice an attitude of gratitude.  Needless to say, I felt pretty good about myself at that point, what with this "100 Days of Thank You" project & all.  As I delved further into the book, I realized they were talking more than just one thank you a day.  This was serious thank-you stuff.  We're talking 100's of thank you's a day.  Yikes.  I had been struggling with one a day - how in the world would I get to 100 in a day? 

Well, I'm not exactly keeping track, but thanking God multiple times a day and thanking one "tangible" person every day has been making my mood much lighter.  It is much easier to be in a good mood when you are constantly thinking of what is good in your life.  I'm only a few days in to the "hard core" thank you's, so I can't speak for the "getting stuff" part of the equation, but I will definitely say it is making me happier.   So quit reading this & go thank someone.  :-)