Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Adventures

As you know, I completed my "100 Days of Thank You" project over a year and a half ago.  Expressing gratitude is still something I value highly and continue to do on a regular basis.

Since the completion of my project, I have been led to do more research on not only gratitude, but service to others as well as the health and wellness of our bodies.  The information I have learned has become so fascinating to me that I have decided to make a career sharing my knowledge as a life coach and speaker.  I hope to teach others how to live happier, more balanced lives.

You can now follow my new blog  and visit my new website here. I'm also on Facebook, so hop over sometime and give my page a little love & get some inspiration.

Hopefully, you are living your happiest life (and remembering to express gratitude often!).  If you are looking for some happiness inspiration, my eBook "How To Live Your Happiest Life" should be released by the end of the month - I'll keep you posted!

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